The trainer Daniel Arbaczewski: It’s my first time in in Cairo for Experimental Theatre and i aim at opening new horizons for the workshop participants in acting and theatrical professionalism.
The director and theatrical trainer Daniel Arbaczewski started today the activities of his planned workshop in the Cairo International Festival for Experimental Theatre 28th edition under the title of “theatrical storytelling,movement and memory”.
A group of amateur and beginners of youth artists have participated in the workshop to open up to new ideas and theatrical professional techniques.
Daniel relied in the first lecture on putting two individuals of the participants facing each other in order to examine their performance abilities,potential and power of communication.
Daniel said that the trainer has to start by knowing first about his trainees nature and potentials before he direct them to new techniques and ideas.The trainer also added it is his first time as a trainer in Cairo-Egypt for Arab students in general.
The workshop is based on acting movement training, in which the basis of the tasks is building dramatic paths through movement. The inspiration to create a situation are the participants’ original memories translated into movement, gesture and work with an object. A memory can be an emotion we remember from childhood, an image, an object, a rhythm, or an energy. The exercises are based on natural movement improvisations, where the actor’s body creates its own language, finds new meanings, gestures, confronts with the objects, materials, sounds and spaces. Thanks to this, original elementaries of movement memories are created. What counts in the workshop is the natural, free movement of each participant, dancing skills or experience aren’t needed for this.